With BusPirate (v3a, firmware 5.10) and flashrom (v0.9.5.2, little endian)
I am attempting to read a region of the flash ROM defined by a ROM layout file as in:

flashrom -p buspirate_spi:dev=/dev/ttyUSB0,spispeed=200k -l romlayout -i region1 -r read file

Where file romlayout contains:

003f0000:003fffff region1

The flash ROM IC is correctly identified, and region1 is listed as being used, however flashrom then proceeds to read all ROM memory, not just the area defined by region1.

I have run this procedure with flash ROMs:
Eon EN25Q32 and EN25Q64. also Micronix  MX25L6445

Eventually I plan to use this procedure for writing to a defined region.

Any help/suggestions gratefully received.

John G