I'm not an active member of flashrom "team", but in my life i have done some flash rounds

YOU have choose this version for the bios 
for what I can see:

is NOT the best choose.

In my opinion the right choose should be :

or in old vesion this:

I have take all this information from 


as you can easy check it out...

I don't know actualy what is your PC state, but if you have a #bash terminal active "I THINK" you can try a soft shutdown with:

:$ sudo poweroff
:$ sudo shutdown -h now or
:$ sudo shutdown -h +0

also without "sudo" (this because I don't know if you actualy are working like superuser or not).

Keep on mind that this is ONLY what I should do in your case, but I am NOBODY to assure you that this will solve your problem !!!

TAKE CARE (or wait for other staff suggetion) Reagards

Il giorno mer, 18/05/2022 alle 00.32 +0000, John Caltry via flashrom ha scritto:

Ubuntu 20.04 boot from USB (try Ubuntu) and attempted install using Protectli Flashli. Cut and paste follows, any advice is appreciated!


\  == \ /\  == \   /\  __ \   /\__  _\ /\  ___\   /\  ___\   /\__  _\ /\ \       /\ \   
\ \  _-/ \ \  __<   \ \ \/\ \  \/_/\ \/ \ \  __\   \ \ \____  \/_/\ \/ \ \ \____  \ \ \  
\ \_\    \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\    \ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\    \ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_\ 
  \/_/     \/_/ /_/   \/_____/     \/_/   \/_____/   \/_____/     \/_/   \/_____/   \/_/ 

                                   --Version 1.1.20--
Device:    Protectli fw6e
CPU:       Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz

Available BIOS:

[1]: ami (FW6_all_YKBR6L12.bin)
[2]: coreboot (protectli_all_fw6_vault_kbl_v1.0.14.rom)

Enter the [#] of an image file, or [0] to quit. Flahing will not begin yet
> 2

Are you sure you would like to flash this device?

Flashing new firmware onto any hardware is potentially dangerous in that if the
procedure is interrupted or otherwise not able to complete, your hardware may be rendered
useless. Please proceed with caution. If there are any questions, please contact
Protectli support BEFORE proceeding.

Unless there is a compelling reason to update the BIOS, we recommend to stay with your
current known working BIOS version


Acknowledgement Yes [Y]: y

flashrom v1.2-326-gf57486e on Linux 5.13.0-30-generic (x86_64)
flashrom is free software, get the source code at https://flashrom.org

Using clock_gettime for delay loops (clk_id: 1, resolution: 1ns).
Found chipset "Intel Kaby Lake U w/ iHDCP2.2 Prem.".
Enabling flash write... SPI Configuration is locked down.
Enabling hardware sequencing because some important opcode is locked.
Found Programmer flash chip "Opaque flash chip" (8192 kB, Programmer-specific) mapped at physical address 0x0000000000000000.
Reading ich descriptor... done.
Using region: "bios".
Reading old flash chip contents... done.
Erasing and writing flash chip... Erase/write done.
Verifying flash... FAILED at 0x00103056! Expected=0xff, Found=0xc5, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x007fffff: 0x99c
Your flash chip is in an unknown state.
Get help on IRC at chat.freenode.net (channel #flashrom) or
mail flashrom@flashrom.org with the subject "FAILED: <your board name>"!
BIOS Flash failed, is this script running with root permissions?
Please try again, but if problems persist, please let us know.
TODO: Collect info and display instructions on how to submit a Github issue.
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