this is the log file of flashing a lenovo PC.

flashing of BIOS OK, but after flashing, DMI informations and serial number was lost:

DMI string system-manufacturer: "LENOVO"
DMI string system-product-name: "97048HG"
DMI string system-version: "ThinkCentre A57"
DMI string baseboard-manufacturer: "LENOVO"
DMI string baseboard-product-name: "LENOVO"
DMI string baseboard-version: "To be filled by O.E.M."
DMI string chassis-type: "Desktop"

I hope that this is information is useful for you!

PS: after flashing with original lenovo program, I restored all information except "DMI string system-version:"
now is: DMI string system-version: "ThinkCentre XXXX".

there is possibility to restore this information on BIOS?


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/_/     \___/\__,_/  /_/    \__,_/ _____/____/_/

Sistemi informativi
Az.Spec.Farmacie Comunali Riunite
email: maurizio.pedrazzi@fcr.re.it
www.fcr.re.it - www.informazionisuifarmaci.it
www.saninforma.it - www.futurfarma.it
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