
I am a Software Engineer from Raytheon Anschütz Germany and wanted to use flashrom to update the bios of our embedded bord form emerson. Unfortuneately s.th. must have gone wrong. First write of the bios was fine but after reboot I got a crisis report that the two flash banks are corrupt. I could boot from thumb drive anyway and wanted to write the backup copy but got the following error message:

Erase failed at 0x00000010! Expected=0xff, Read=0x5a, failed byte count from 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff: 0xd092.

We are using the following board: http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/EmbeddedComputing/CompactPCI/Pages/EmbCompCPCI7203.aspx

Chipset: Intel Ibex Peak
Found chipset: Atmel AT25DF641 8192Kb SPI at 0xff800000

I hope you can help

Best regards

Marco Runge

Marco Runge
Software Engineer

Raytheon Anschuetz GmbH

+49 431 3019 646 office
+49 431 3019 291 fax

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D-24106 Kiel

Raytheon Anschuetz GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kiel
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Kiel HRB 4086
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dr. Lueder Hogrefe
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Patrick K. Peppe

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