
do you have any idea what to do with folowing error?
 ChromeOS Firmware Utility Script [2018-12-30] 
 (c) Mr Chromebox <mrchromebox@gmail.com> 
**   Device: Asus Chromebox 3 / CN65 (TEEMO)
** CPU Type: Intel KabyLake
**  Fw Type: Stock ChromeOS
**    Fw WP: Disabled
**      1) Install/Update RW_LEGACY Firmware 
**      2) Install/Update BOOT_STUB Firmware 
** [WP] 3) Install/Update Full ROM Firmware 
** [WP] 4) Set Boot Options (GBB flags) 
** [WP] 5) Set Hardware ID (HWID) 
**      6) Remove ChromeOS Bitmaps 
**      7) Restore ChromeOS Bitmaps 
**      8) Restore Stock BOOT_STUB 
**      9) Restore Stock Firmware (full) 
Select a menu option or
R to reboot  P to poweroff  Q to quit 

Install/Update UEFI Full ROM Firmware

Standard disclaimer: flashing the firmware has the potential to
brick your device, requiring relatively inexpensive hardware and some
technical knowledge to recover.  You have been warned.

Also, flashing Full ROM firmware will remove your ability to run ChromeOS.

Do you wish to continue? [y/N] y

NOTE: After flashing UEFI firmware, you will need to install a UEFI-compatible
OS; ChromeOS will no longer be bootable. UEFI firmware supports
Windows and Linux on all devices. Debian/Ubuntu-based distros require a small
fix to boot after install -- see https://mrchromebox.tech/#faq for more info.

Press Y to continue or any other key to abort. y

Create a backup copy of your stock firmware?

This is highly recommended in case you wish to return your device to stock
configuration/run ChromeOS, or in the (unlikely) event that things go south
and you need to recover using an external EEPROM programmer. [Y/n] n

Downloading Full ROM firmware

Disabling software write-protect and clearing the WP range

Installing Full ROM firmware (may take up to 90s)

flashrom v0.9.9  : 266087c : Nov 20 2018 01:07:48 UTC on Linux 4.4.159-15346-gc5e629939ae0 (x86_64)
Calibrating delay loop... OK.
coreboot table found at 0x7aac2000.
WARNING: SPI Configuration Lockdown activated.
Erasing and writing flash chip... Verifying flash... VERIFY FAILED at 0x00000086! Expected=0x40, Read=0xc0, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x00ffffff: 0x2
Your flash chip is in an unknown state.
Get help on IRC at irc.freenode.net (channel #flashrom) or
mail flashrom@flashrom.org with FAILED: your board name in the subject line!
An error occurred flashing the Full ROM firmware. DO NOT REBOOT!

Press [Enter] to return to the main menu.^C