Good afternoon,I'm trying to do a bios backup for my laptop Asus X5Din (it's an old laptop.)
-cpu intel core 2 duo t6500 2.10ghz
-mobo K50IN.
-O.S. Debian 12.
(I'm not very expert on Debian os or linux distribution)
After installation of flashrom 1.4.0, typing the command:
sudo flashrom -r namefilebackup.bin -p internal,
The error is:
<Found chipset "nvidia MCP79".
This chipset is marked as untested...>
I try to add parameter -N --noverify,
-p internal:laptop=force_I_want_a_brick (aware of the ricks), but always the same issue.
I hope you can help me.
Thaks a lot.
Ciro Cappiello.