Hi there @ flashrom.org,

As per the tool instructions you can find attached 2 output logs.

I was testing flashing my motherboard bios. At first everything seemed OK, but the machine went into a reboot cycle, just before the bootloader starts. Had to take out all of the drives, including the NVMe drive and flash the original rom image directly via the bios tool in order to get things running again.

Tested again in order to play around with the UEFI/Legacy bios settings, but that did not help as well, so I had to do the same restore operation as explained above.

The only damage (besides the reboot cycle) was the messed up MAC address on the Intel i219-v, which changed to 88:88:88:88:87:88 and I was able to restore it.

Hope this helps a little bit, let me know if you need anything else from me.

Have a great day,