On Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:39:41 +0100
Eduardo de Juan <eduardo.de-juan@adslmail.es> wrote:
I've downloaded the flashrom program and I have a couple of doubts
before I can start.
Hello Eduardo!
1.- do I need a .rom type file ?
I've visited the Shuttle bios download page and everything there seems
to be .bin files, for windows flash utilities.
Do you know where I can find bios file that falshrom can use ?
There is no such thing as rom or bin "file type". These are just names.
Important is the binary data within files and their names may hint to
one thing or another but are in no way conclusive. If the file provided
by shuttle is exactly as big as the flash chip in question, it is
probably just fine to feed into flashrom. If not then more investigation
is needed.
2.- running flashrom in probe mode I get
Found chip set "NVIDIA MCP51".
This chip set is marked as untested.
but I guess that means I just have to go ahead and try.
Yes, and other versions of the same chipset work just fine.