Thanks a lot for your reply. I could not found ch341 support in serprog help but i tried anyway.
i offered myself to translate serprog to spanish for all those who can manage it in English.
Best regards

Juan Lucero 
Enviado desde Samsung Mobile

-------- Mensaje original --------
De: Stefan Tauner <>
Fecha: 02/05/2014 17:24 (GMT-03:00)
A: Juan Lucero <>
Asunto: Re: [flashrom] flashrom serprog problem

On Wed, 8 Jan 2014 13:35:51 -0300
Juan Lucero <> wrote:

> Hi, i have installed flashrom 0.9.7 in my acer laptop with ubuntu 12.04
> 32 bits. I have a ch341a serial programmer and i am trying to flash a
> windbond 25q64 memory.
> I run this:
> sudo flashrom -V -f -w bravissimo.abs -p
> serprog:dev=/dev/bus/usb/002/003:19200
> […]
> Any ideas?

That's wrong on many levels. The ch341a does not support the serprog
protocol (probably), the serprog driver does not expect a usb device
but a tty device as parameter, and -f should never be used.
We would need to reverse engineer the ch341a protocol to add dedicated
support for it to flashrom. It is currently not supported at all by
flashrom AFAIK, sorry.

> PS: would you like me to translate flashrom to spanish?

I am pretty much against i18n of low-level software. How am I supposed
to help someone that is not even able to work with an english flashrom
UI? :)
The manpage OTOH is quite detailed and may be more easily understood in
the user's first language. Translating that is probably way more effort
than flashrom itself but IMHO it would be way more useful and I would
certainly include it in the repo. The main problem I see there is how
to keep it updated?
Thank you very much for your kind offer anyway.

Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner