flashrom -p internal:ich_spi_force=yes -w bios_16M FREG0: Warning: Flash Descriptor region (0x00000000-0x0000ffff) is read-only. Not all flash regions are freely accessible by flashrom. This is most likely due to an active ME. Please see http://flashrom.org/ME for details. Writes have been disabled for safety reasons. You can enforce write support with the ich_spi_force programmer option, but you will most likely harm your hardware! If you force flashrom you will get no support if something breaks. On a few mainboards it is possible to enable write access by setting a jumper (see its documentation or the board itself). Continuing with write support because the user forced us to! === This flash part has status UNTESTED for operations: PROBE READ ERASE WRITE The test status of this chip may have been updated in the latest development version of flashrom. If you are running the latest development version, please email a report to flashrom@flashrom.org if any of the above operations work correctly for you with this flash part. Please include the flashrom output with the additional -V option for all operations you tested (-V, -Vr, -VE, -Vw), and mention which mainboard or programmer you tested. Please mention your board in the subject line. Thanks for your help! Erasing and writing flash chip... spi_block_erase_20 failed during command execution at address 0x210000 Reading current flash chip contents... done. FAILED at 0x00210000! Expected=0xff, Found=0xc5, failed byte count from 0x00200000-0x0023ffff: 0x13d25 ERASE FAILED! Reading current flash chip contents... done. spi_chip_erase_60 failed during command execution Reading current flash chip contents... done. spi_chip_erase_c7 failed during command execution FAILED! Uh oh. Erase/write failed. Checking if anything changed. Good. It seems nothing was changed. Writing to the flash chip apparently didn't do anything. This means we have to add special support for your board, programmer or flash chip. Please report this on IRC at chat.freenode.net (channel #flashrom) or mail flashrom@flashrom.org, thanks!