On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 3:12 AM, Stefan Tauner <stefan.tauner@alumni.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
On Tue, 15 Sep 2015 02:26:39 -0400
Peter Martini <petercmartini@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've checked out master from the flashrom svn repo, compiled, and was able
> to see my chip (MX25L25635E).  The id wasn't recognized, but after a quick
> patch to copy a MX25L128... to ..L256.., I got it to successfully read the
> first 16MB of the chip - however, I can't get any further than that,
> because changing the values in the table to the right values moves me from
> 3 byte addressing to 4 byte addressing territory (if I understand this
> correctly), and it looks like there aren't any patches merged for that yet.
> Is there a patch set actively in the works?

Nope, there isn't, at least nothing that I know about or that will hit
vanilla flashrom soon.

Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner

Thanks for the quick reply.  I did some digging, and found a patch set from January, resurrected and forward ported to the current tip of flashrom on github.com/petermartini/flashrom, and confirmed it worked well enough that it worked on my chipset.

This was Boris' work, and I guess it was incomplete / petered out before being committed; does it ring any bells?

It seems the thread petered out around http://www.flashrom.org/pipermail/flashrom/2015-January/013168.html.

I'm happy to help, if I can, get that patch set merged in if there's work to be done on it so I can upstream my chipset's specs.
