I am forwarding this email since I haven't heard any confirmation after weeks. Happy holidays!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lu Xie <firexl@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM
Subject: Intel 28F001BN/BX-T erase/write operation verified on 3C905B-TXNM
To: flashrom@flashrom.org


I tried programming Intel 28F001BN/BX-T on 3C905B-TXNM but it failed at erase/write. I checked that chip's datasheet and it says PIN 1 and 30 must be pulled to 12V to accept erase/write operation, but the card can only offer 5V at PIN 1 and NC at PIN 30. So I wired 12V to the two pins and then flashrom erased/wrote the chip successfully. Please check the attached output files for the two attempts.
