Attention is currently required from: Sophie van Soest, Paul Menzel.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #4, Line 7: Enable chipset it97spi: 0x8620 Gigabyte-Z97-HD3
I find the summary a little bit irritating.
Also, I think these changes aren't related to each other, so I would split this patch up into two. This way it's also easier to write a meaningful commit summary :)
For this one:
it87spi.c: Enable probing of IT8620
For the Z97 change:
chipset_enable.c: Mark Z97 as OK
Add missing address: 0x8620 for the it97 to use the parameter dualbootbios.
Mark Z97 as OK.
It's not an address, but the ID number of the controller.
I suggest:
Enable probing for IT8620 allowing to use the `dualbiosindex`
Patch Set #4, Line 12: Dumped and verified both bios.
Dumped and verified both firmwares. Tested on GIGABYTE Z97-HD3.
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