Attention is currently required from: Hsuan-ting Chen, Jakub Czapiga, Peter Marheine.
Jakub, thank you so your patch! Not often people use flashrom on Android, this is very useful that you do.
I have few comments.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #1, Line 9: Recently Android Bionic LibC got sys/io.h.
This does imply there will be minimum required version for Android support? As you are saying "recently" , so older versions before recently won't be supported anymore, is this correct?
Which is the minimum Android version that has `sys/io.h` ?
There isn't much documented about using flashrom on Android, but if we are restricting minimum version then we need to document it.
Could you please add testing info to commit message?
In this case, commands you ran with make and meson, and the environment (OS version specifically).
Thank you!
File hwaccess_x86_io.c:
Patch Set #1, Line 60: #if defined(__ANDROID__)
How did you build flashrom, with make or meson?
With this patch, you need to build with both (we will remove make later this year, but for now there is still both...)
I looked through those build files. I think you need to change them too:
1) Makefile has `ifeq ($(TARGET_OS), Android)` (currently on line 324) which says `Android on x86 (currently) does not provide raw PCI port I/O operations.`
This is not true anymore?
2) meson has definition for `systems_hwaccess` (currently on line 149) which has no Android on the list. Should it be there now?
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