Attention is currently required from: Charles Parent.
Patch set 1:Code-Review +1
Commit Message:
Patch Set #1, Line 7: Add FTDI FT4233H
nit: add the file as prefix:
ft2232_spi.c: Add FTDI FT4233H
Has this change been tested? If so, how? I'd appreciate if you could add this information to the commit message.
Patch Set #1, Line 9: Change-Id: I73cee8fd2a6613a8fbc26508d99bbe67da2b4f72
You'd need to sign-off the commit as per
Looks good, just some comments regarding the commit message. You can update the commit message by amending the commit and repushing: as long as the Change-Id remains the same, Gerrit will treat the new commit as a new patchset (version) of this change. Or you can update the commit message directly using Gerrit's Web UI.
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