Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Hsuan Ting Chen, Subrata Banik.
Commit Message:
TEST=On MTL, use flashrom -VV to see correct FREG9 access
TEST=On ADL, use flashrom -VV to see not break anything
TEST=On APL, use flashrom -VV to see not break anything
Would you mind running the test scenarious again on the latest version of code? Thank you!
Yes, I checked it on MTL and APL again when I submitted the code.
File ichspi.c:
Patch Set #10, Line 1853: mmio_readw
Thanks as usual for giving all details! appreciate it. […]
ICH_BRRA and ICH_BRWA are designed to be at most 8 bits, also we have a mask:
#define ICH_BRWA(x) ((x >> 8) & 0xff)
#define ICH_BRRA(x) ((x >> 0) & 0xff)
So they should always fit in 8 bits. (uint8_t)
Patch Set #10, Line 1876: inline
I am thinking from the other side: are there any reasons we should explicitly say it needs to be inl […]
Yes, and I believe that this short static would possibly inline it by default.
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