Attention is currently required from: Sergii Dmytruk.
1 comment:
File flash.h:
Patch Set #2, Line 148: FEATURE_SR3
Thank for explaining, I understand why there is one flag. […]
As mentioned above SR2 is a different case no matter what we do, as
different chips have different commands to access it.
The question is what we want to achieve with the FEATURE_SR3 flag.
In the current PS, it's used to confirm that SR3 is supported before
we actually send a related command. But, what does it mean if this
check fails? It would be a bug in flashrom or the chip database. If
we know that for sure, we should tell the user to tell us.
Also, if we consider the database fields for write-protection bits
could be wrong what does that say about possibly wrong FEATURE_SR3
flags? :) One might even say due to the redundancy there is more
that can go wrong. (Avoiding redundancy was part of my first data-
base lessons.)
Now, if it's worth the hassle is hard to tell. We already have other
mechanisms like the test state to keep track of the sanity of data-
base entries. (just noticed, WP lacks a field in `struct tested`)
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