Attention is currently required from: Nikolai Artemiev.
File flashchips.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 6585: GD25Q127C
this one is already wrong, since there is no QPI support. see my other comment
Patch Set #2, Line 6274: GD25B128B
The 25B versions don't support QPI (only regular Quad-SPI wich uses a
single wire for the command). The 25Q128B and C versions were probably
added separately because of minor differences (OTP sizes and SFDP
Just one tiny addition, since I stumbled upon that, too: What you say is right - the 25B don't support QPI. However, not all 25Q do support it. One exmaple is GD25Q127C, which lacks QPI support but has the QPI flag in flashrom. That means we already have a conflict here :/
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