Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Riku Viitanen, Sydney, Thomas Heijligen.
Hi, thanks for writing this :)
File doc/supported_hw/supported_prog/serprog/overview.rst:
Patch Set #1, Line 90: is an bigger existing
1. typo, → "a bigger"
2. I think this phrase is a bit difficult to understand in english: I had to read it twice, because my first interpretation was that Riku_V's fork was bigger (in some way) than stacksmashing's version.
Patch Set #1, Line 91: Notable differences are:
To make this paragraph easier to extend, and perhaps also easier to read, I'd reorganize it a bit:
pico-serprog is a firmware .... > Notable forks:
- Riku_V's fork uses the hardware SPI implementation ...
The advantages are:
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