Patch set 1:Code-Review +2
delete spurious \n
if (c == '1') {
*value = 1;
return 0;
if (c == '0') {
*value = 0;
return 0;
seems like a switch would make this tidy?
Patch Set #1, Line 615: int extract_programmer_param_toggle(const char *param_name, int *value);
I like this but I feel flashrom has suffered from many half done solutions in the past. So I feel like we should switch all users in one go. It's a little more work but I think your solution can get its benefits fully realized with the effort. mstarddc_spi.c is one example candidate, digilent_spi.c is another. Maybe buspirate_spi.c ?
I would very much like to see a unit-test written, do you have any thoughts and suggestions about that?
Bigger vision here: Another step would be to perhaps have a struct type defined that contains the param type and a union between of the primitive types so that common parse logic could be co-located out of the spi masters here. This could then become part of the libflashrom api as well.
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