Attention is currently required from: Nicholas Chin.
Nicholas Chin uploaded patch set #2 to this change.
flashrom.8.tmpl: Clarify supported ft2232_spi frequencies
The manpage suggests that ft2232_spi chips are only capable of up to
6 MHz SPI clock frequencies, whereas flashrom disables the divide-by-5
prescaler on the 'H' chips allowing up to 30 MHz frequencies. This
detail was already present in the comments of ft2232_spi.c.
Signed-off-by: Nicholas Chin <>
Change-Id: Id7690e1d4e11a3d0495afbc650f3c67430946468
M flashrom.8.tmpl
1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/18/70218/2
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