Patch Set 4: Code-Review+1
This seems fine, however I wonder if it will be better to set the chunksize in ft2232_spi_send_command() where we have flash context and can tell if we're dealing with a large chip with a 4-byte address, since that will require adding another byte to the chunksize?
Sure, there might be a better place for this where the value can be set depending on the used address mode and may be further cmd configs.
With regard to the 4-byte addresse: I chose the 270 as it is for 3-byte and 4-byte addressing. 269 would be only for 3-byte addressing.
Furthermore IMHO the chunksize is not that crititcal unless it is to small (as it is at the moment with the 256 Bytes). If everything is done right up to calling ftdi_write_data() of the libftdi the chunksize is not critical/necessary. Theoretically it could be the default 4096, I think. But 270 is some more reasonable.
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