Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons, Anastasia Klimchuk.
1 comment:
File tests/tests.c:
return ((port == 0x2e /* MEC1308_SIO_PORT1 */
|| port == 0x4e /* MEC1308_SIO_PORT2 */)
? 0x20 /* MEC1308_DEVICE_ID_REG */
: ((outb_val == 0x84 /* MEC1308_MBX_DATA_START */)
: 0));
I think I mentioned something about a set of function pointers per tested programmer […]
So, CB:52604 is what I had in mind. Feel free to take it over if
it looks useful. The inb/inw/inl pointers are probably not needed
if we'd decide to use will_return()/mock() instead.
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