Attention is currently required from: Aarya, Anastasia Klimchuk.
Commit Message:
Someone may prefer to sacrifice sub-blocks needless to change within a
larger erase block for programming speed. These people who are okay to
fry their chip sooner can set this option. If the percentage of
sub-blocks needless to change within a larger erase block is lower
than the given value, the whole larger erase block will be erased.
I wrote another version of commit message, what do you think? I can update myself, but first I want […]
File cli_classic.c:
" --sacrifice-ratio <ratio> The percentage of overall sub-blocks needless to\n"
" change within a larger erase block to be sacrificed\n"
" for programming speed, default 0, max 100\n"
I have an idea, what do you think: […]
Done and added context for "S+1 size block".
File cli_classic.c:
Patch Set #5, Line 126: max 100
What do you think about restricting max to 50? I don't think values more than 50 make sense.
Patch Set #5, Line 1141: Invalid input of sacrifice ratio, use default 0
Invalid input of sacrifice ratio, valid range is 0-50. Fallback to default value 0. […]
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