I'm having trouble to understand this change. What's the benefit
in having to specify "MX25L6405" to emulate an MX25L6436? Or is
anything broken atm?
After retesting the master I discovered that " ./flashrom -p dummy:emulate=MX25L6436 -c "MX25L6436E/MX25L6445E/MX25L6465E/MX25L6473E/MX25L6473F" " works OK. Sorry, I probably got confused by that flashchips.c doesn't have "MX25L6436" chip - has "MX25L6436E" instead, and when I initially tried " ./flashrom -p dummy:emulate=MX25L6436E " it didn't work --- so while trying to make things work I renamed "6436" to " 6405"... This change could be abandoned now, but maybe in the future we could rename MX25L6436 to MX25L6436E in those few places for clarity
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