Attention is currently required from: Aarya, Edward O'Callaghan, Nikolai Artemiev, Peter Marheine, Simon Buhrow, Thomas Heijligen.
File tests/erase_func_algo.c:
Patch Set #3, Line 238: void **state
I think it's worth doing that, but you don't need to expose much detail. […]
Peter, this is beautiful, thank you so much for the cool idea! I made an implementation, which is ready for review.
I like that now every test case is an actual test (even two tests, one for erase and one for write).
The surprising thing for me was that CMUnitTest needs to have a name explicitly initialised. If not, test is silently skipped (with no messages!). So I had 0 tests run until I got names for all of them! :)
File tests/erase_func_algo.c:
Patch Set #14, Line 61: struct test_case test_cases[TEST_CASES_NUM]; /* Data for running tests. */
I'd prefer to make this a `const struct test_case *` just to capture that the test case data is immu […]
The code has changed after I implemented your other comment, but as a part of it I removed `ind` (no longer needed) and now there is a pointer to `current_test_case`.
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