Code looks quite nice :) haven't looked at the protocol yet, though.
Patch Set #2, Line 14: version 2 of the License
is this restriction intentional? I've just noticed, most of flashrom
is licensed v2+
Patch Set #2, Line 32: #if CONFIG_DIGILENT_SPI == 1
This is unnecessary, the Makefile already takes care of it.
nit, spurious 0?
please always set a reasonable timeout
Patch Set #2, Line 120: return res_len;
Rather `tx_len`? how about an error message for short replies?
Patch Set #2, Line 184: real_speed =(res[5] << 24) |(res[4] << 16) |(res[3] << 8) | res[2];
Missing spaces after = and | operators.
Patch Set #2, Line 241: static int digilent_spi_send_command(struct flashctx *flash, unsigned int writecnt, unsigned int readcnt, const unsigned char *writearr, unsigned char *readarr)
please break this line (112 chars limit for flashrom)
Patch Set #2, Line 249: buf = alloca(len);
I don't know how portable it is (and it's not used yet in
flashrom). I'd prefer malloc().
Patch Set #2, Line 253: &buf[writecnt]
`buf + writecnt` would be much clearer to me. But that could
be just me. ;)
Patch Set #2, Line 264: if (ret != 0)
Error message, please.
Patch Set #2, Line 269: if (ret != 0)
Same here.
What about the libusb handle?
Patch Set #2, Line 356: spiclock
Other programmers call it `spispeed`.
Patch Set #2, Line 362: return -1;
`goto close_handle;` ?
if (reset_board) {
Check return values, please.
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