Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Daniel Campello, Anastasia Klimchuk, Peter Marheine.
Patch set 4:Code-Review +2
Commit Message:
layout: Introduce layout_next()
Also, a `layout.c` internal version _layout_next()
I added both, the API one uses pointers to const struct romentries […]
The `_` prefix definitely requires extra cognitive load for the causal reader if one is not use to the `_` prefix to mean internal convention. Given that so many functions have such similar names in the file I think the `mutable_layout_next()` alternative you suggested Nico is a better choice to go with.
File layout.c:
Patch Set #3, Line 44: static struct romentry *_layout_next(
Their signatures differ, see comment thread on the commit message.
Nico is correct, one is const while the other isn't. I think the rename to `mutable_layout_next()` will fix up the confusion.
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