Nico Huber has uploaded this change for review.

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README: Update packaging section for Git repositories

Change-Id: I8d9c56be8c1381b175ce7695c53f31b1767d9d17
Signed-off-by: Nico Huber <>
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

git pull ssh:// refs/changes/54/22454/1
diff --git a/README b/README
index ab761f7..449103d 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -24,20 +24,22 @@

-To package flashrom and remove dependencies on subversion, either use
+To package flashrom and remove dependencies on Git, either use
make export
make tarball

-make export will export all flashrom files from the subversion repository at
-revision BASE into a directory named $EXPORTDIR/flashrom-$VERSION-r$SVNREVISION
-and will additionally modify the Makefile in that directory to contain the svn
-revision of the exported tree.
+'make export' will export all flashrom files from the Git repository at
+revision HEAD into a directory named "$EXPORTDIR/flashrom-$RELEASENAME"
+and will additionally add a "" file in that directory to
+contain the Git revision of the exported tree and a date for the manual

-make tarball will simply tar up the result of make export and gzip compress it.
+'make tarball' will simply tar up the result of make export and compress
+it with bzip2.

-The snapshot tarballs are the result of make tarball and require no further
+The snapshot tarballs are the result of 'make tarball' and require no
+further processing.

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Gerrit-Project: flashrom
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I8d9c56be8c1381b175ce7695c53f31b1767d9d17
Gerrit-Change-Number: 22454
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Nico Huber <>