What is missing to get this merged?
$ flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=512 -r content.bin
Just one line and indent with four spaces or tab?
Patch Set #6, Line 7: flashcips
nice catch
ha, thank you! :-)
Patch Set #3, Line 15979: FEATURE_4BA_EAR7
I was able to get erase/writes working when using FEATURE_4BA_NATIVE
oops, sorry if my comment on github was confusing. Please re-add the bulk erase opcodes (60 and c7). […]
Ah I see. I've added it back, and successfully re-ran my tests. Thank you!
Patch Set #6, Line 15980: TEST_OK_PREW
Yep, and I verified them independently as well.
Yes, I've tested read, erase and write.
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