Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons.
File bitbang_spi.c:
Patch Set #26, Line 34: data transmission
Technically, it's the data sampling (or capturing, as Wikipedia puts it) […]
Patch Set #26, Line 96: bitbang_spi_set_sck(master, !cpol);
The first clock change always needs to happen with a delay after […]
There is no need to operate CS when sending each byte, the operation of CS is in bitbang_spi_send_command
bitbang_spi_set_sck_set_mosi(master, !cpol, (val >> i) & 1);
bitbang_spi_set_sck(master, cpol);
This does not look right and is probably what led to the follow up commit. […]
The hardware logic only requires that the data state is stable after the clock changes. The following sequence is correct:
So I submitted a patch to fix bitbang_spi_set_sck_set_mosi:
Patch Set #26, Line 184: if (strlen(mode)) {
So an empty string is not reported as error?
Patch Set #26, Line 187: mode == endptr
This does not account for trailing garbage. It's better to check for […]
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