if (!strncmp(tmp, VARIABLE_SIZE_CHIP_NAME,
Sorry, what I mean is that you can remove the line wrap here.
Patch Set #2, Line 379: /* Will be freed by shutdown function if necessary. */
Why is this gone?
This is moved to above line 347, because it needed to stat emu_persistent_image in case that SIZE_AUTO was given in parameter.
if (!strcmp(tmp, "auto"))
size = SIZE_AUTO;
This branch of the if should have braces
Patch Set #2, Line 293: case 'k': case 'K':
I'd put these two case statements in separate lines: […]
Patch Set #2, Line 303: tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] = '\0';
This should be on a separate line
Patch Set #2, Line 304: atoi(tmp)
What will happen if I specify the following sizes as a parameter? […]
Added more parse error handling codes.
K => size shall be 0, and processed as an error at the end.
1G => atoi('1G') shall be 0, and processed as an error at the end.
87654321 => shall be processed as an error since it is not a multiple of 1024.
-512m => shall be processed as an error since it is negative.
1 => shall be processed as an error since it is not a multiple of 1024.
big_enough => size shall be 0, and processed as an error at the end.
0 => size shall be 0, and processed as an error at the end.
that's 4 MiB (4 MB would be size=4000000)
if (emu_chip_size % 1024)
msg_perr("%s: emu_chip_size is not multipler of 1024.\n",
Please move this to the parsing of the commmandline arguments
Done. Moved to the line 427 in patchset#3.
Where do these IDs come from? Why not use PROGMANUF_ID and PROGDEV_ID instead?
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