Attention is currently required from: Aarya, Anastasia Klimchuk, Nikolai Artemiev.
File cli_output.c:
Patch Set #4, Line 119: 16 * FLASHROM_PROGRESS_NR
For 100% it will be 13 chars which I rounded to 16. `\b \b` is:
1. Move cursor to the left
2. Print space to overwrite what is under the cursor (or to its right depending on cursor's shape)
3. Move cursor to the left again
Does this relate to the part in commit message:
No, that's a separate thing.
But the concern is still valid right?
Yes, but I just saw that it's not a real problem. A flag indicating that something was printed can be set in `flashrom_print_cb()` below and reset after printing a progress here. If the flag is set when this function is called, need to move to a new line (ideally would know whether last print included a new line or not), otherwise can just erase previous progress.
File flashrom.c:
/* const size_t flash_size = flashctx->chip->total_size * 1024; */
/* const size_t page_size = flashctx->chip->page_size; */
I think I can remove these lines
Patch Set #5, Line 1958: init_progress(flashctx, FLASHROM_PROGRESS_READ, flash_size); // WTF?
What was your concern on this line? Was something not working? (see line comment)
I think it was before addressing progress reporting on SPI reads, so adding this line caused progress to reach 200%.
File include/flash.h:
Patch Set #1, Line 587: struct stage_progress stage_progress[FLASHROM_PROGRESS_NR];
I think (I think) I understand. […]
From the client side, yes. Also, this change switches from programmers reporting total and current position to them reporting amount of processed data, so the total and current values need to be stored somewhere and this is where it's stored.
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