Patch Set 2:
tab for consistency
Patch Set #2, Line 482: /* 280 Byte = (9 Byte CMD + 1 Byte WREN) + (9 Byte CMD + 1 Byte op) + 4 Byte Addr + 256 Byte PageWrite-data
wrap differently so it fits on 80 columns? (also in line 548)
no trailing white space (also elsewhere)
Patch Set #2, Line 549: return 0;
so you're filling in buf, then leaving it hanging and somehow that data re-appears on the next run. […]
Oh, good comment. I was assuming that realloc is called only once (as I assume that the highest writecnt value refers to page write).
But if there will be any bigger write operations it will fail. Is there a chance for calls with more than one 256Byte page to write?
If yes: May be it´s OK to save only a flag which indicates if WREN was passed in the previous call. And according to that flag the WREN cmd is prepend or not.
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