Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Thomas Heijligen.
David Reguera Garcia uploaded patch set #10 to this change.
buspirate_spi: add support for hiz output with pullups=off
When working with low-voltage chips, the internal 10k pull-ups
of the Bus Pirate might be too high. In such cases, it's necessary
to create an external pull-up using lower-value resistors. For this,
you can use the 'hiz' parameter. This way, the Bus Pirate will
operate as an open drain with 'pullups=off'
So, why not just use the 'pullups=on' option for this scenario? I'm
trying to prevent a very typical human error in the training sessions
I conduct.
For example, in the previous session, a user might have left the VPU
(vextern) connected to 5V, and now they need to access a 1.8V chip.
If 'pullups=on' is used, the following will happen:
5V (VPU) --> CD4060 --> 2K (internal Bus Pirate) --> MOSI target chip.
By having the option to set a 'hiz=on', this can be avoided. Since the
pull-ups will remain deactivated while the Bus Pirate will function in
an open-drain mode
Return init error for invalid values of pullups, hiz, psus. Previously,
invalid values of the params pullups, hiz, psus were handled as "off"
(i.e. disabled). This created a potential human error when users were
running flashrom with e.g. pullups=1 and expected pullups to be on,
while the value 1 was handled as invalid and off.
Change-Id: I6d9909b23782ef3fcb1428fd127dae0d6b211855
Signed-off-by: David Reguera Garcia <>
M buspirate_spi.c
M doc/classic_cli_manpage.rst
2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/99/79299/10
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