Attention is currently required from: Simon Buhrow, Nico Huber, Aarya.
File sfdp.c:
Patch Set #9, Line 85: erasefunc_t *erasefn = spi_get_erasefn_from_opcode(chip, opcode_list, 1);
You can use `spi_get_erasefn_from_opcode(chip, &opcode, 1)`
File spi.c:
Patch Set #9, Line 32: sorted
what kind of sort?
Patch Set #9, Line 67: //Opcode lists must be sorted
It might be problematic that we only get a positive result if both opcode lists have the same order of entries. Maybe copy the input list, sort the opcodes and then compare it.
* Get the pointer to the erase function which uses passed opcodes and is used
* by the passed flashcip. This done by matching the opcodes from a lookup
* table and the erasefn in the passed flashchip.
There is no need to say how this is implemented. These documentation is to understand how to use the functions.
`@result Pointer to erase function matching 'chip' and 'opcode_list' or NULL on failure`
Patch Set #9, Line 107: passd
Patch Set #9, Line 107: the pointer to the array
`@result Null terminated array of opcodes used by the passd erase function.`
and please put this under `@param`
This is done by matching the opcodes passed to the opcodes list in each entry
* of the lookup table.
The implementation is not relevant here
`s/info/err/` because when we are at this point it is an error.
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