Attention is currently required from: Miklós Márton, Thomas Heijligen.
Patch set 6:Code-Review +1
Commit Message:
Patch Set #4, Line 10: meson setup -Dprogrammer=ni845x build
meson setup -Dprogrammer=ni845x_spi build
I have cherry picked this commit: […]
I rebased this branch on top of master (currently b09aad573) and it built successfully for me.
MINGW32$ meson setup -Dprogrammer=ni845x_spi build
MINGW32$ meson compile -C build
MINGW32$ ./build/flashrom.exe
flashrom 1.4.0-devel (git:v1.2-1302-g7ba095dd) on Windows 10.0 (x86)
flashrom is free software, get the source code at
Using clock_gettime for delay loops (clk_id: 1, resolution: 100ns).
Please select a programmer with the --programmer parameter.
Valid choices are:
I've gone ahead and updated this set of changes by rebasing, since Gerrit required it to fix some merge conflicts anyway.
File ni845x_spi.c:
Patch Set #4, Line 19: * Define it just here, since this driver will only work on 32-bit Windows.
I've to dig deeper into this macro to figure out when it's set from the compiler. […]
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