Brian Nemec uploaded patch set #5 to this change.

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raiden_debug_spi.c: Clean up of the USB SPI protocol

Perform some clean up of the USB SPI protocol 1 prior to adding
protocol 2 to improve consistency and correct minor issues.

* Minor clean up the comments descriptor for the protocol.
This adds the location of another relevant file, corrects the
omission of one of the protocol modes, makes the direction
of the packets explicit, and minor formatting changes.

* Fix typos in constants associated with the retry mechanism.

* Clean declarations to match the EC code formats.

* Updates the error message formatting so protocol V1 closely
matches the V2 protocol for consistency.

* Minor changes to the structure, moving validation of the
arguments earlier in the transfer. Overall to keep V1 and
V2 closer aligned and reduce future changes in the V1 code.


Signed-off-by: Brian J. Nemec <>
Change-Id: I17e62dabee2724eecf8d5a1a7827f06f0c7514df
M raiden_debug_spi.c
1 file changed, 136 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

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Gerrit-Project: flashrom
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: I17e62dabee2724eecf8d5a1a7827f06f0c7514df
Gerrit-Change-Number: 41597
Gerrit-PatchSet: 5
Gerrit-Owner: Brian Nemec <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Angel Pons <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Brian Nemec <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Gerrit-CC: Paul Menzel <>
Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset