Attention is currently required from: David Hendricks, Edward O'Callaghan, Anastasia Klimchuk.
Patch set 2:Code-Review +1
Commit Message:
Patch Set #2, Line 10: files and tests.
Nit. If these are paragraphs, split them with empty lines. If they
aren't, don't wrap the lines after the full stop.
The preprocessor solution to override stdlib functions looks a
bit fragile. If an inline function in another header file would
use malloc(), would that still be caught? There may be a way out
by always including `stdlib.h` first and then `unittest_env.h`
before anything else. That would be easy from the command line
with `-include` directives. And it wouldn't need `UNIT_TEST_ENV`.
File tests/flashrom.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 27: #define assert_string_not_equal_with_free(text, expected) \
NB. I known this is probably just following cmocka, but I find it
very hard to visually distinguish the two
The longer the boilerplate around the *not* becomes, the harder
it is to "see" it (without fully reading the identifier).
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