Attention is currently required from: Angel Pons, Artur Kowalski.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #1, Line 7: flashrom
Patch Set #1, Line 9: read and write
Erasing was done before writing and it worked properly, updated commit message accordingly
Commit Message:
Patch Set #4, Line 11: can't disable it
can't enable it
(that's what seems to be the case from commit message?)
Artur sorry this patch got delayed! I hope you are still here and have some time to finish remaining comments? I marked as resolved the comments which are seem to be resolved.
Thank you!
File flashchips.c:
Patch Set #1, Line 10215: // TODO: add 64K block erase
Added 64K block erase
File flashchips.c:
Patch Set #4, Line 10449: // TODO: add support for flash protection
I don't think we need this TODO is the code.
If you don't plan to add support for write protect, better to remove the TODO.
But I understand the patch is sitting for a while, maybe the situation has changed and you can add wp support now? Either way, you don't need a TODO.
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