Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Edward O'Callaghan, Evan Benn.
File util/flashrom_tester/Cargo.toml:
Patch Set #3, Line 25: libflashrom = { path = "../../bindings/rust/libflashrom" }
I am curious: why it was working before, without this line?
This is for the `use libflashrom::FlashromFlags;` in `util/flashrom_tester/src/`, where we didn't need `libflashrom` in that file before.
File util/flashrom_tester/flashrom/src/
Patch Set #3, Line 301: // TODO
Did you mean to do something here?
The flashrom CLI sets its own default flags, and we currently have no need for custom flags, so this set_flags function is intentionally a no-op.
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