Attention is currently required from: Anton Samsonov, Anton Samsonov, Nikolai Artemiev, Stefan Reinauer.
Thank you for patch! I read your comment in the other patch and so good that you were able to resolve identification issue.
File flashchips/spansion.c:
/* Note on FEATURE_4BA_ENTER: the command set only defines command 0xB7
to enter 4BA mode, but there is no counterpart command "Exit 4BA mode",
and the code 0xE9 is assigned to another command ("Password unlock"). */
/* Note on FEATURE_4BA_ENTER_EAR7 (not set): the "Extended address mode" bit
is stored in configuration register CR2V[7], which can only be read / written
by generic commands ("Read any register" / "Write any register"), that itself
expect a 3- or 4-byte address of register in question, which in turn depends on
the same register, that is initially set from non-volatile register CR2NV[7]
that defaults to 0, but can be programmed to 1 for starting in 32-bit mode. */
Thank you for sharing bits of wisdom in the comment!
File include/flashchips.h:
Patch Set #2, Line 717: 0x02200081
Can I ask, for my education, I want to understand how this ID is formed, `02200081`
I am looking at page 136 (12.3.1 Device ID) and I can see, by byte address
05h -> 81 (last two digits)
04h -> 00
03h -> ?? where it is?
02h -> 20
01h -> 02
00h is also not here, but that's manufacturer ID, not device ID, maybe it's fine
Patch Set #2, Line 717: SPANSION_S25FS512S
Maybe let's follow the pattern and name this macro to `SPANSION_S25FS512S_UL`
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