Attention is currently required from: Thomas Heijligen.
Looks quite good already. I think the DEFAULT_PROGRAMMER issue
(and also the INTERNAL_PROGRAMMER checks) would solve itself
if you would move the programmer_entry structs to the individual
source files, first. e.g.
* second commit: introduce a default_programmer pointer. (const, set at compile time,
File cli_classic.c:
Patch Set #4, Line 379: size_t _i
Common flashrom style is to avoid such `for` local declarations. What I usually
say here: the style should be discussed on the mailing list (and I really wouldn't
Anyway, you can just use `i` here.
Patch Set #4, Line 383: prog = &programmer_table[_i];
This needs to be moved to the positive cases below (':' and '\0'). Otherwise we
would turn this into a prefix match by accident. Or, when we hit the `continue;`
below, it should be reset to `NULL`.
File flashrom.c:
Patch Set #4, Line 2452: cb_check_image(newcontents, flash_size) < 0) {
Should be indented with either 4 spaces or 2 tabs (shouldn't match with the
body). Or don't break the line: our limit is 112 chars[1].
File libflashrom.c:
This is quite weird. It leaves the last two pointers uninitialized.
The API seems also meaningless, there is no way to know how many
items are returned.
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