Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan, Anastasia Klimchuk, Alexander Goncharov.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #1, Line 9: 0.63.2
Typo. says about meson 0.56. […]
Thanks for spotting.
Patch Set #1, Line 10: Pass arguments to `sphinx-doc` via `'-Dkey=value`
I feel that I am missing something, but where this is in the patch?
In `doc/` where sphinx is called as custom_target.
Originally I used `FLASHROM_VERSION=meson.project_version()` in the environment of the custom_target and `os.getenv('FLASHROM_VERSION')` in `doc/` (the configuration of sphinx) to pass the version information.
Now I pass `-Drelease=meson.project_version()` as parameter of the `sphinx` call, which directly writes the `release` variable in sphinx.
From `sphinx-build`:
-D setting=value override a setting in configuration file
Is it now better to understand? Should I put this comment also in the commit message?
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