Attention is currently required from: Nikolai Artemiev, Stefan Reinauer, rogeryou.
rogeryou uploaded patch set #3 to this change.
The following approvals got outdated and were removed: Verified+1 by build bot (Jenkins)
flashchips: Add write-protect support for MXIC MX25U25643G
The MX25U25643G has a WPSEL bit in the security register, but the MX25U25635F does not.
Therefore, take them apart.
The MX25U25643G has been tested by ch341a programmer : read, write, erase and wp.
We have tested --wp-enable, --wp-disable, --wp-list and --wp-range
commands for write-protect feature.
MX25U25643G datasheet is available at the following URL:
MX25U25635F datasheet is available at the following URL:
Change-Id: I43de9ed123b9736c04d070754bcf9c32be5697ad
Signed-off-by: rogeryou <>
M doc/contact.rst
M doc/dev_guide/development_guide.rst
M doc/index.rst
A doc/release_notes/index.rst
A doc/release_notes/v_1_3.rst
A doc/user_docs/example_partial_wp.rst
A doc/user_docs/fw_updates_vs_spi_wp.rst
A doc/user_docs/index.rst
M flashchips.c
9 files changed, 599 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/42/78142/3
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