Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber.
1 comment:
File board_enable.c:
Patch Set #3, Line 1097: dev = pcidev_clonedev(dev);
> Done. np Nico, thanks for thinking about the problem. […]
The direction should be fairly clear, I rebased the follow on patches to give clarity. You realise every time you change your mind here I need to keep wasting time rebasing.
Give actionable feedback, you wanted it renamed, then you changed your mind but agreed that 1 in the function name will do it now your comment is sort of high-Z.
The change here is not particularly controversial, it is just isolating libpci stuff into pcidev.c which is pretty logical - look in pcidev.c for libpci stuff. So I don't know what you mean by "I have to look in another file", do you want the whole project in one file?
Yes `pacc` is a handle scoped to libpci and so lexically scope to pcidev.c which is what this change is doing.
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