Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan, Nikolai Artemiev, Sergii Dmytruk.
Commit Message:
spurious `a`
File libflashrom.h:
Patch Set #34, Line 125: FLASHROM_WP_OK = 0,
NB. we should unify this across the whole API sooner or later.
excessive empty line
File libflashrom.c:
Patch Set #34, Line 642: struct flashrom_wp_cfg
Or `sizeof(**cfg)`
Patch Set #34, Line 643: (*cfg)
Nit, no parentheses needed.
Patch Set #34, Line 717: * has its own WP operations we should use instead.
Shouldn't we check the type right away and return an error in case?
Or check inside wp_write_cfg()? Currently it relies on `flash->chip->
bus_type == BUS_SPI` and matching contents of `flash->chip->reg_bits`.
File writeprotect.c:
Patch Set #34, Line 51: = FLASHROM_WP_OK
This is overwritten on the very next line.
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