Anastasia Klimchuk submitted this change.
ich: Add names for region 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15
Add Region 9 for Intel Meteor Lake; update missing regions.
* Include Region 9 as officially required for Intel Meteor Lake platform.
* Incorporate missing region names from for completeness.
Region 5: Device Expansion (DE or DevExp)
Region 9: Device Expansion 2 (DE2 or DevExp2)
Region 10: Innovation Engine (IE)
Region 11: 10 GbE 0
Region 12: 10 GbE 1
Region 15: PTT
TEST=Run `flashrom -VV` on MTL and see all the regions are printed out
Change-Id: I3b164ce4ae84bfd523fcd8be416c5d13183ed632
Signed-off-by: Hsuan Ting Chen <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Anastasia Klimchuk <>
M ich_descriptors.c
M ichspi.c
M util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool.c
3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ich_descriptors.c b/ich_descriptors.c
index 7bdca61..b11a78d 100644
--- a/ich_descriptors.c
+++ b/ich_descriptors.c
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
static const char *const region_names[] = {
"Descr.", "BIOS", "ME", "GbE", "Platf.", "DevExp", "BIOS2", "unknown",
- "EC/BMC", "unknown", "IE", "10GbE", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown"
+ "EC/BMC", "unknown", "IE", "10GbE0", "10GbE1", "unknown", "unknown", "PTT"
if (i >= ARRAY_SIZE(region_names)) {
msg_pdbg2("%s: region index too high.\n", __func__);
@@ -518,24 +518,24 @@
size_t num_regions;
- msg_pdbg2(" FD BIOS ME GbE Pltf Reg5 Reg6 Reg7 EC Reg9");
+ msg_pdbg2(" FD BIOS ME GbE Pltf DE BIOS2 Reg7 EC DE2 ");
num_regions = 10;
} else {
num_regions = 16;
- msg_pdbg2(" RegA RegB RegC RegD RegE RegF\n");
+ msg_pdbg2(" IE 10GbE0 10GbE1 RegD RegE PTT \n");
for (i = 0; i < nm; i++) {
const unsigned int ext_region_start = 12;
size_t j;
msg_pdbg2("%-4s", master_names[i]);
for (j = 0; j < (size_t)min(num_regions, ext_region_start); j++)
- msg_pdbg2(" %c%c ",
+ msg_pdbg2(" %c%c ",
desc->master.mstr[i].read & (1 << j) ? 'r' : ' ',
desc->master.mstr[i].write & (1 << j) ? 'w' : ' ');
for (j = ext_region_start; j < num_regions; j++)
- msg_pdbg2(" %c%c ",
+ msg_pdbg2(" %c%c ",
desc->master.mstr[i].ext_read & (1 << (j - ext_region_start)) ? 'r' : ' ',
desc->master.mstr[i].ext_write & (1 << (j - ext_region_start)) ? 'w' : ' ');
diff --git a/ichspi.c b/ichspi.c
index 36a7b3b..bee5ec9 100644
--- a/ichspi.c
+++ b/ichspi.c
@@ -1840,7 +1840,8 @@
static const char *const region_names[] = {
"Flash Descriptor", "BIOS", "Management Engine",
"Gigabit Ethernet", "Platform Data", "Device Expansion",
- "BIOS2", "unknown", "EC/BMC",
+ "BIOS2", "unknown", "EC/BMC", "Device Expansion 2",
+ "Innovation Engine", "10GbE0", "10GbE1", "unknown", "unknown", "PTT",
const char *const region_name = i < ARRAY_SIZE(region_names) ? region_names[i] : "unknown";
diff --git a/util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool.c b/util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool.c
index a5a59ad..844d8e9 100644
--- a/util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool.c
+++ b/util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool.c
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
static const char *const region_names[] = {
"Descriptor", "BIOS", "ME", "GbE", "Platform",
- "Region5", "BIOS2", "Region7", "EC/BMC", "Region9",
- "IE", "10GbE", "Region12", "Region13", "Region14",
- "Region15"
+ "DevExp", "BIOS2", "Region7", "EC/BMC", "DevExp2",
+ "IE", "10GbE0", "10GbE1", "Region13", "Region14",
+ "PTT"
static void dump_file(const char *prefix, const uint32_t *dump, unsigned int len,
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