Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Angel Pons, Artur Kowalski, ServError.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #4, Line 11: can't disable it
can't enable it […]
I think he meant that if WP is enabled, `flashrom` won't be able to disable it to perform write/erase.
@ServError, since your patch is more complete, do you want to update this one? You would do that by […]
I updated the patch.
File flashchips.c:
Patch Set #4, Line 10428: .vendor = "Macronix",
The values need to be tab-aligned, see the other entries.
Patch Set #4, Line 10449: // TODO: add support for flash protection
I don't think we need this TODO is the code. […]
Quite a lot of other chips have TODOs.
The voltage is missing?
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