Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons, Nikolai Artemiev, Sergii Dmytruk.
File libflashrom.h:
int flashrom_wp_read_chip_config(const struct flashrom_flashctx *flash, struct flashrom_wp_chip_config *cfg);
int flashrom_wp_write_chip_config(struct flashrom_flashctx *flash, const struct flashrom_wp_chip_config *cfg);
int flashrom_wp_compare_chip_configs(const struct flashrom_wp_chip_config *cfga, const struct flashrom_wp_chip_config *cfgb);
You can omit parameter names if they are self-explanatory from parameter type, which all of these seems to be (see existing declarations in this header).
File writeprotect.c:
Does anyone know, should we add 2021 here? Does it even matter?
The file is completely re-written.
#define wp_chip_config flashrom_wp_chip_config
#define wp_range flashrom_wp_range
#define wp_mode flashrom_wp_mode
Oh, so why this prefix was added from the very beginning? ;)
if (spi_read_register(flash, bit.reg, value))
return 1;
Let's propagate return value,
ret = spi_read_register
if (ret)
return ret
Maybe now it's always 1 on error, but who knows, may change in future.
Patch Set #9, Line 128: return ret;
This should be on its own line (and same below).
Patch Set #9, Line 158: if (ord == 0) ord = cfga->srp[i] - cfgb->srp[i];
How does it work? If ord becomes non-0 in the first loop cycle, then the rest of (ord == 0) are skipped? is it the same as having `else return ord`?
Patch Set #9, Line 161: ord = cfga->cmp - cfgb->cmp;
Please make it on its own line, and the same for other conditionals below (including ones inside for loops).
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